Experience faith-based healing
& transformation from the comfort of your home

Looking for a holistic approach
to health & well-being that
aligns with your Christian beliefs?

Way of Wellness

MindsEye Classes

Sacred Space Classes

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LEARN MORE ABOUT THE Free Healing Series

Everything is interconnected. We cannot separate our spirit, mind/will/emotions, soul, or body. What happens with one will eventually affect all.  

At My Body Whispering, we incorporate a unique blend of the profound wisdom of the Christian faith, intercessory prayer, mind-body medicine, 3000 years of Chinese medicine observation, and energy medicine techniques used in the Sacred Space Healing Method.

We use Body Whispering techniques listen to your body while also gently asking your body to release any negative memories, emotions, or traumas that are keeping you in a state of imbalance. In doing so, you can begin to heal.  

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What is
My Body Whispering?

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hello there.

I’m kathryn, YOUR NEW wellness advocate & holistic healer!

I’m kathryn, YOUR NEW wellness advocate
& holistic healer!

For almost 2 decades, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

Like you, my journey started with chronic health issues. Growing up in the medical community, I finally realized that while I admire that community, they failed me. Their answer was medication or surgery. Eventually, that did not work for me.

I felt God leading me into the energy medicine community and believe me, I was praying the whole way. Because I wasn't sure where this would lead me. What I discovered shocked and amazed me. My understanding of certain scriptures came to life. "Oh! THAT'S why the Bible says that!" My faith grew and my relationship with God solidified into something amazing.

The stresses of life ebbed and flowed, and my body, mind, and spirit were able to traverse the plains of life with a grace I hadn't known. Even with the stress of managing a household, training, and changing careers, my health got better and better. No more migraines. No more allergies. No more chronic pain. No more neck or back pain. Instead of going to the chiropractor 4 times a week, I could go monthly and maintain my adjustments. 

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Kathryn springman

writer, practitioner, body whisperer, and animal lover

1) The God Session (Book) - Start here

3) MindsEye Level 1 (2.5 Days)

4) Sacred Space Foundations (4 Days)

6) Sacred Space Level 2 (4 Days) 

5) Advanced MindsEye Plus Heart Code & Soul (3.5 Days)

The physical body follows the energy.
Resolve the energy imbalances and you can resolve the physical imbalances.

I want to learn. Where do I start?

One of the most asked questions I hear is, "How do you do what you do?"

Is this is you? Does it seem overwhelming or you don't know where to start? Learn energy medicine from a Christian perspective. Carol and I have outlined the best way to learn energy medicine the Sacred Space way! 

2) The Way of Wellness Membership

The God Session

Way of Wellness membership

MindsEye Level 1


Learn More about the
Way of Wellness

Learn More about
Mindseye Level 1

Memories, emotions, and trauma can store in our bodies and even on the DNA. The God Session is designed to help you release these memories that may have been plaguing you for some time. There are some memories that are more deeply embedded in our system than others.

This book is designed to address each philosophy we hold at MyBodyWhispering and each Way of Wellness session. The format for this book is to first discuss the principle, then support that with Biblical truths and science. Then offer a technique for you.

The Way of Wellness premium episodes offer you the opportunity to learn the philosophy and principles of My Body Whispering which gives you more success when you decide to take any of our class offerings whether that it MindsEye, Sacred Space, or our advanced classes.

While episodes do not teach the techniques, you receive the benefits of them in each session, building an conscious and unconscious understanding of our approach to healing - all while benefiting in your spirit, mind, soul, and body.

Do you want to think outside the box and solve complex problems? Master conflict resolution? Contemplate the unknown? Paint to rival the masters? Learn to play heavenly music?  

Writer's block? New potential.
Creative block? Open to new possibilities.

Join us for MindsEye and discover a whole new world of genius.

Highly recommended: Read The God Session book

Sacred Space Foundations

Advanced MindsEye Plus Heart Code & Soul 

Sacred Space Level 2

Learn More About Sacred Space Foundations

Learn More about Advanced MindsEye

Learn More about Sacred Space Level 2

Sacred Space Healing System include a full complement of unique healing methods. It is its own fully functioning system but can enhance any other healing system in existence. Even if you are new to energy medicine, this workshop is packed with easy to learn, revolutionary, advanced techniques with lots of practice. This will forever change the landscape of your healing.

Prerequisite: MindsEye Level 1

Take your MindsEye to the next level. Increase the speed and accuracy of your intuition. 

Discover Soul-level healing.

Stop fear-based energy patterns that show up as drama, victim/victim mentality, abuse (even if it is beating yourself up), hero (always needing to come to the rescue or save the day).

Step into love-based energy patterns of Truth, Trust, Clarity, & Love/Acceptance.

Learn new ways of manifesting what you want in life by using the Heart Code 6-step method.

Sacred Space techniques are fast, effective, & extremely gentle in addressing memories, trauma, & emotions and are vastly different than other methods currently available.

Sometimes memories hit us at a deep soul level or even into the quantum realm of our atoms and molecules. To find freedoms, we must resolve the memories there or we stay stuck in them. 

 We must find all the threads of our memories, traumas, and emotions to find true freedom. 

In Level 2 we explore soul-level healing, quantum mechanics for clearing energy patterns even into the particle level, and disentangling from energy patterns that keep us stuck in life-long patterns.

Your voice is soothing and calm, and I look forward every day to getting a dose of your insights and expertise. I love how the sessions are faith-based. Really up-lifting. I appreciate your

knowledge, sincerity, & wisdom

- australia 

ready to level up?

For Practitioners

If you are a Sacred Space student or practitioner and are interested in Way of Wellness practitioner resources, please contact Kathryn