You've gone to the chiropractor which is great, but you are not just physical. Your body, mind, emotions, and spirit are connected. What happens to one, naturally affects the other. You've tried meditation, yoga, counting sheep, or the many claim-to-fame cure-all supplements. Maybe it works for a while, but not for long. 

It's taxed your mind, your will, and your pocketbook. How much has all that cost? And yet, you know, something needs to change because you know there's more than the way that you're feeling right now. You know that there's better health out there for you. You know that there's better wellbeing out there for you if you could just get connected to the right thing.

 Staying well physically, emotionally, and spiritually is hard. Finding treatment that aligns with your faith is even harder.

I get it. Life is stressful. You've got a million things grabbing for your attention and your bills are piling up. 
Meanwhile, you are not sleeping well. Your child is dealing with anxiety and your marriage is strained. 

Don't get me started on the back pain, chronic headaches or migraines. OR the endless string of woulda-shoulda-couldas - the Negative Nelly in your head reciting relentless thoughts that drive you bonkers and just won't let you go. All while you carry that mental and emotional backpack of negative memories and trauma. 

And you can't find the time or the money to go see a therapist. 

Finding treatment that aligns 
with your faith is even harder. 

Finding affordable, effective ways to help your whole family stay well physically, emotionally, and spiritually is hard.

What If You Could Access On-Demand Healing Sessions Anytime, Anywhere From An Experienced Practitioner For A Low Monthly Fee?

The Way of Wellness is an online membership that offers faith-based, on-demand energy healing sessions inside a private podcast setting. 

Access to a full library of content plus monthly sessions on:
  • Health
  • Wealth
  • Relationships
  • Family (including children and pets)
  • Bonus sessions

  • Searchable videos
  • Downloadable pdf transcripts
  • A aommunity of like-minded people just like you

What is the Way of Wellness?

What is the
Way of Wellness?

Way of Wellness session episodes draw inspiration from Scripture, intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare, and energy medicine to create a holistic experience rooted in faith. Verses like 3 John 2 and Isaiah 53: 4-5 remind us of God's healing power and Jesus' redemptive sacrifice.

For each Way of Wellness episode, I am committed to nurturing
your faith, providing compassionate support, and empowering you
to embrace a life filled with healing and purpose.

Way of Wellness session episodes draw inspiration from Scripture, intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare, and energy medicine to create
a holistic experience rooted in faith. Verses like 3 John 2 and Isaiah 53: 4-5 remind us of God's healing power and Jesus' redemptive sacrifice.

For each Way of Wellness episode, I am committed to nurturing
your faith, providing compassionate support, and empowering you
to embrace a life filled with healing and purpose.

The Healing experience

Deep relaxation & inner peace

Improved sleep quality and mood

Reduced pain, anxiety, and effects of trauma



Enhanced ability to manage stress

Resolution of long-held negative emotions and thought patterns

hello there.

I’m kathryn, YOUR NEW wellness advocate & holistic healer!

I’m kathryn, YOUR NEW wellness advocate
& holistic healer!

For almost 2 decades, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

Like you, my journey started with chronic health issues. Growing up in the medical community, I finally realized that while I admire that community, they failed me. Their answer was medication or surgery. Eventually, that did not work for me.

I felt God leading me into the energy medicine community and believe me, I was praying the whole way. Because I wasn't sure where this would lead me. What I discovered shocked and amazed me. My understanding of certain scriptures came to life. "Oh! THAT'S why the Bible says that!" My faith grew and my relationship with God solidified into something amazing.

The stresses of life ebbed and flowed, and my body, mind, and spirit were able to traverse the plains of life with a grace I hadn't known. Even with the stress of managing a household, training, and changing careers, my health got better and better. No more migraines. No more allergies. No more chronic pain. No more neck or back pain. Instead of going to the chiropractor 4 times a week, I could go monthly and maintain my adjustments. 

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Kathryn springman

writer, practitioner, body whisperer, and animal lover

Exclusive Content

5 sessions per month. One on each of the topics on health, wealth, relationships, family including children & pets. Plus at least one bonus session per month (16 per year)

Bonus sessions are designed to go deeper into specific topics and are often searched for and listened to multiple times.

Bonus topics cover very common and specific concerns. Special requests are welcome.

Bonus topics include:
  • Immune system
  • Long-term effects of illness
  • Learning & memory for all ages whether you are in school or learning a new skill for work
  • Resolving profound grief
  • Addictions
  • Conflict-based trauma
  • Allergies
  • Adoption
  • And more

Enjoy 5-6 sessions every month - released each Friday

Are you ready to heal & grow?

"I just finished Episode 7 and loved it! The sections where I held my kidneys and smiled at my heart were my favorite in this one. It was so intimate, and I've never thought of saying "thank you" to my body like that. I can already tell that these episodes will be used over and over again.
Thank you!"



"I've never thought of saying "thank you" to my body"

"I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your knowledge, sincerity and sharing your wisdom with me and my family. Your voice is perfect, soothing and calm and it gets the message across very well. I am looking forward to clicking through the sessions and every day getting a dose of your insights and expertise. I love how your sessions are faith based. Really uplifting. Thank you"



"I love how sessions are faith-based."

"Several of our dogs have separation anxiety. When either one of us leave the house they howl and cry constantly. Since listening to this podcast, they have stopped. The separation anxiety is gone! It’s truly amazing that Kathi could do for our pets what she can do for us! "

K Bigauette


"Our dogs' separation anxiety is gone!"

"For anyone interested in improving their overall health and well-being, this podcast is a must on your to-do list for this year. Cannot recommend this podcast highly enough!"

Mimi Emmanuel, #1 bestselling author of ‘Letters to my Godson' 

Mimi Emamanuel

Best selling Author

"This podcast is a must!"




Ready to tune in?


Want A Sneak Peak of What's Inside?



Season 2 - ALL New Series

Learning, Memory, & Recall

Learning,Memory, & Recall
Navigating the Journey of Life: Pregnancy, Loss, & Healing
Healing from Abuse
Healing from Adoption Trauma

September 20, 2024

Ep 2.11 Your Relationship to Learning & Studying

October 18, 2024

Ep 2.15 New Semester. New Training. New Subjects.

November 15, 2024

Ep 2.19 Learning Challenges and Brain/Sensory Integration

December 20, 2024

Ep 2.23 Your Relationship to Tests: Releasing Memory Recall Challenges

January 17, 2025

Ep 2.27 Your Relationship to Confidence and Releasing Performance Anxiety

February 21, 2025

Ep 2.31 Confidence and the Hidden Classroom: Gaining Wisdom from Our Children

Navigating the Journey of Life: Pregnancy, Loss, & Healing

Learning,Memory, & Recall
Navigating the Journey of Life: Pregnancy, Loss, & Healing
Healing from Abuse
Healing from Adoption Trauma

July 26, 2024

B2.01 Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Welcoming Your Baby

August 30, 2024

B2.03 Healing From the Loss of a Baby: Adoption, Miscarriages, Still Births, Abortions, Sudden Infant Death

September 27, 2024

B2.04 Healing from Birth Trauma

October 25, 2025

B2.05 Healing from Infertility

November 22, 2024

B2.06 In Vitro Pregnancies

Healing from Abuse

Learning,Memory, & Recall
Navigating the Journey of Life: Pregnancy, Loss, & Healing
Healing from Abuse
Healing from Adoption Trauma

August 23, 2024

B2.02 Breaking Free: Overcoming Modern-Day Slavery In Relationships & In Life

November 29 , 2024

B2.07 Healing From Physical Abuse

December 27, 2024

B2.08 Healing the Other Side of Abuse

January 24, 2025

B2.09 Healing from Sexual Abuse

January 31, 2025

B2.10 Healing from Spiritual or Religious Abuse

February 28, 2025

B2.12 Healing Invisible Bonds: Navigating the Trauma of SRA, IVF and Systemic Abuse

March 28, 2025

Ep 2.39 Stop Beating Yourself Up!
Healing From Self-Inflicted Abuse

January 31, 2025

B2.11 Healing from Mental/Emotional Abuse

Healing from Adoption Trauma

Learning,Memory, & Recall
Navigating the Journey of Life: Pregnancy, Loss, & Healing
Healing from Abuse
Healing from Adoption Trauma

April 25, 2025

B2.13 Adoption Trauma Part 1 - The Loss of Mother and the Orphan Spirit

May 23, 2025

B2.14 Adoption Trauma Part 2 - Cross Cultural Adoptions and the Loss of Language, Culture, and Tribe

May 30, 2025

B2.15 Adoption Trauma Part 3 - Older Children and the Change in Birth Order

June 27, 2025

B2.16 Adoption Trauma Part 4 - Foster Systems and the Adoption of Older Children

Learning, Memory,
& Recall

Ep 2.11 Your Relationship
to Learning & Studying

Ep 2.15 Learning & Studying
New Semester. New Training.
New Subjects.

Ep 2.19 Learning Challenges and Brain/Sensory Integration

Ep 2.23 Your Relationship to Tests: Releasing Memory Recall Challenges

Ep 2.27 Your Relationship
to Confidence and Releasing Performance Anxiety

Ep 2.31 Confidence
and the Hidden Classroom:
Gaining Wisdom from Our Children

the Journey of Life: Pregnancy, Loss,
& Healing

B2.01 Pregnancy, Childbirth,
and Welcoming Your Baby

B2.03 Healing From the Loss of a Baby: Adoption, Miscarriages, Still Births, Abortions, Sudden Infant Death

B2.04 Healing from Birth Trauma

B2.05 Healing from Infertility

B2.06 In Vitro Pregnancies

Healing from Abuse

B2.02 Breaking Free:
Overcoming Modern-Day Slavery
In Relationships & In Life

B2.07 Healing From Physical Abuse

B2.08 Healing the Other Side of Abuse

B2.09 Healing from Sexual Abuse

B2.10 Healing from Spiritual or Religious Abuse

B2.11 Healing from Mental & Emotional Abuse

B2.12 Healing Invisible Bonds: Navigating the Trauma of SRA, IVF and Systemic Abuse

Ep 2.39 Stop Beating Yourself Up! Your Relationship with Loving Yourself

Healing from
Adoption Trauma

B2.13 The Loss of Mother and the Orphan Spirit

B2.14 Cross Cultural Adoptions and the Loss of Language, Culture, and Tribe

B2.15 Older Children
and the Change in Birth Order

B2.16 Foster Systems
and the Adoption of Older Children



Season 2 - ALL New Series

“I’m not sure if energy medicine really works or if it’s just pseudoscience.”

Energy Medicine is backed by science. Ground breaking research from scientists like Bruce Lipton, James Oschman, Masuru Emoto, Nassim Haramein, and more continue to lead the way in showing us that our bodies and our minds are connected. We don't think God stopped there. In fact, we think that your body, soul, mind, will, emotions, and spirit are all connected and that your spirit leads the way especially when your spirit is connected to God's Spirit. Others might call that innate wisdom. I say that it is the Wisdom from On High that God gives your spirit to keep you healthy in all ways.

Frequently Asked Questions

“Is this practice aligned with my Christian beliefs? Is it Biblical?”

My journey started with this very question and I dug into the Word and prayed while God was directing her in her training. I include relevant scripture references, and partnering with God in your healing process In 2015, I wrote a book called The God Session: Releasing the Past and Embracing the Future with Scripture, Science, and Energy Medicine. Free to read with a Kindle Unlimited account, this book is designed to address each philosophy we hold at MyBodyWhispering and each Way of Wellness session. The format for this book is to first discuss the principle, then support that with Biblical truths and science. Then offer a technique for the reader. In the third of our Free Healing Series, Generational Blessings for Healing & Prosperity, I bring in the Biblical truths of 3 John 1:2 and Deuteronomy 28 to lay the foundation that we believe. God really does want you to be well and healthy and He really does want to bless you.

“I don’t know if I can justify spending $34.99 per month.”

To receive this many individual sessions would cost $9600 per year for each person. With the Way of Wellness membership, you get a family membership. That means that each member in your household, including college students living in a dorm or in-laws living in your home, even your pets can all listen and benefit from these sessions. All for only $34.99 per month or $349 per year.

“I don’t have enough time to participate in all these sessions.”

All sessions are pre-recorded. You have the ability to access any session in the library at any time. You choose your pace. In fact, sometimes you might feel the need to listen to a session more than once. That's perfect. When that happens, your spirit understands that you need more. When you listen more than once, deeper healing can occur.  Any participation brings great benefits to you. 

“Will I really see results from these sessions?”

This is exactly why we offer 5 specially chosen sessions from Season 1 in our Free Healing Series. We want you to try the Way of Wellness to see that it works for you and your family. There's no obligation to join the premium membership. Those sessions are yours to keep. If you join the Way of Wellness premium membership and feel like it's not right for you, then you can cancel at any time and your subscription will not renew.

Many use sessions not only for healing, but also as a learning opportunity. Several members print out the downloadable pdf and make notes during the session. Some contact us to let us know when a session is particularly poignant or helpful and when they received healing for something that may have occurred years in the past.

“How private and confidential are these sessions?”

All sessions are very private and absolutely confidential since all sessions are pre-recorded and you listen in the comfort of your own home, work, or car. Only if you share what the sessions have done for you in a public forum will anyone know about the healing you have received. 

You can choose to join the community with like-minded individuals, ask questions, and choose to share or not share. 

We do not sell or publish our email or subscriber lists. Any emails you receive from us will be from or 

“Where do I start?”

Always start with the Free Healing Series. They are always available to you even if you start by joining our premium membership. The sessions in the free series lay the foundation for the main philosophies and techniques we use on your journey to wellness:

The way you relate to yourself and value yourself permeates into all areas of your life: health, wealth, relationships, and family. Here are some of those guiding principles:
  1. Your body stores memories, emotions, and limiting beliefs. These set up the programming that your body uses to make new cells. 
  2. Your DNA is changing all the time either in an unhealthy way or a healthy way. When you are able to let go of negative memories, emotions, and limiting beliefs, your genetic code can change for a healthier way of being.
  3. God wants you to prosper and be healthy.
  4. Your immune system is a key player in all things that have to do with your health. The way you value yourself and the relationship you have with yourself affects this. 

“After the Free Healing Series, should I listen to episodes in order?”

Our prayer is that all sessions are timeless so that no matter when you listen, there is something for you and that you will be able to address the most important thing relevant to you at that time. No session will be outdated. They are all relevant. The one that draws your attention the most will be the one that you need the most.

“I listened to an episode more than once and different stuff came up for me each time. Why is that?”

If you felt the need to listen to an episode multiple times, it is likely because you know innately that there is more for you to heal and that this particular session has what you need in order to release that and bring you the healing you need. Sessions do not have an expiration date. You may have favorites that you go back to time and again.

“Should I listen to a series if I don’t think it applies to me?”

Even if you don’t think it applies to you, if you are drawn to listen to it, there is a reason. Honor your intuition. The feedback we receive from members is that even if someone didn’t think it would apply and listened to it anyway, there was something they really needed in that session.

For example, someone who had easy childbirth deliveries listened to the birth trauma session and was able to process through some other things that were going on in her life at that time. In fact, that session is great if you have experienced birth trauma for yourself, for delivering your child (whether you are mother or father), or if you were in a delivery room when someone else experienced birth trauma.

"Why do I need to give my email and password to listen to the Free Series?

Your content is secure.  When you click to the Get the Free Healing Series button, you are taken to a website where you'll create an account where your free healing series will be stored, and that you can access anytime. All you have to do is enter your email as your username, and choose a password. 

Ep 1.28 Routines & Predictability: Everyone has established routines, healthy or otherwise. Your external world matches your internal world. Do you exist in chaos or peace? Generational trauma can disrupt brain patterns and internal peace of mind. Listen as we clear generational trauma that has affected your life and your internal peace.

Ep B1.06 Your Innate Healing Wisdom: Our most commonly used healing exercise in Sacred Space. Energy flows through you via specific energy centers. These energy centers are also centers of information and communication to other parts of your body. God has given your spirit authority over your body. He has given you an innate wisdom to heal, repair, and regenerate all aspects of your body and your life. Follow along in the meditation to clear these energy centers, clear the information pathways even going into the deepest aspects of your body, soul, mind, will, emotions, and spirit. 

Ep 1.20 General Wellbeing: Feeling unsettled? Feeling resentment or hurt? The body is a family of organs, and body parts. Your body tells a story of what is going on in life. Not getting along with your neighbor? Family squabbles? Yep, it's all there. Listen in to this fun approach to balancing family dynamics.

Crowd Favorites

access premium content

Ep 1.25 Perception, Beauty, & Balance: Have you been going through a lot of ups & downs or a lot of mental or spiritual personal growth? Do you have food cravings? Trouble expressing your emotions? Or just generally feel off-kilter? Listen in and follow along in the exercise as we balance perception, clear away the cobwebs, plus find beauty and balance in life and the world around you. 

Ep 1.17 Impatience & Irritation Affect Your Health: Emotions are chemical thoughts and those chemical signatures can create havoc in the body for long periods of time. They change the brain chemistry and can even affect how well you absorb nutrients. Depending on how many emotions you store, can also change the instructions that your DNA sends out. Allergies have a definitive emotional component. Listen in as we dive into releasing childhood emotions affecting general health and your top 4 allergens."

Ep B1.09 Debilitating Grief: If you have experienced deep grief in any way from the loss of a loved one, the loss of time, job, home, or way of life. Listen now to learn how to honor and release your loss. Begin healing the grief, despair, and heartbreak. Then move into joy and peace so you can live in the fullness of life you are meant to live.

Why the Way of Wellness?

What is the
Way of Wellness?

Way of Wellness session episodes draw inspiration from Scripture, intercessory prayer, spiritual warfare, and energy medicine to create a holistic experience rooted in faith. Verses like 3 John 2 and Isaiah 53: 4-5 remind us of God's healing power and Jesus' redemptive sacrifice.

For each Way of Wellness episode, I am committed to nurturing
your faith, providing compassionate support, and empowering you
to embrace a life filled with healing and purpose.

Holistic Healing: Comprehensive and accessible sessions that address physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being
  • Faith Integration: Healing practices that align with Christian beliefs and principles
  • Community: A supportive and like-minded community for sharing experiences and gaining encouragement
  • Resources: Easy-to-follow sessions with accompanying transcripts and practical tips for implementation
  • Affordability: Cost-effective solutions that offer significant value for you and your family

The Way of Wellness is for you if:

  • You want faith-based healing that aligns with your beliefs and is backed by science
  • You struggle with ongoing  physical pain or discomfort that affects your daily activities
  • You are seeking non-invasive, natural methods to manage and alleviate pain
  • You struggle with chronic stress or occasional anxiety
  • You are looking for effective ways to achieve emotional balance and relaxation
  • You are carrying unresolved trauma that affects your emotional health and your relationships
  • You need support to heal from past traumatic experiences
  • You feel disconnected from God or are  looking for a deeper spiritual connection with God
  • You need practical solutions for balancing family, work, and personal health
  • You have tried everything and nothing is working