Ep B1.02 DNA Decoded: Transforming Health through the Power of Words

Cover for Ep B1.02 DNA Decoded: Transforming Health through the Power of Words

Since 2007, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through the Way of Wellness mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Hi, I'm Kathryn

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This episode is part of the Free Healing Series and is also found in the premium content under the Bonus Category

Unlocking Your Genetic Potential:

How Words Shape Your DNA

Blessings & Cursings. Your words & thoughts change your DNA – for the good or the not so good. Your beliefs rule your DNA. Change Your Words. Change Your Health.

In today’s episode, delve into the fascinating world of epigenetics and the profound impact your words and thoughts have on your DNA. Join us as we explore groundbreaking research and insights from experts like Bruce Lipton, uncovering how the language you use programs your genetic blueprint.

From the moment of conception to the experiences shaping your life, every word spoken to yourself and others leaves an imprint on your DNA.

Discover how toxic thoughts and negative self-talk can manifest as physical and emotional ailments, and learn powerful techniques to rewrite your genetic code for optimal health and vitality.

Through guided exercises and profound revelations, embark on a journey to release inherited patterns, break word curses, and align your DNA with divine truth. It’s time to unlock your genetic potential and transform your health from the inside out.

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Since 2007, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through the Way of Wellness mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Hi, I'm Kathryn


More about me