Ep 1.28 Finding Peace Within: Breaking Generational Trauma Patterns

Cover for Ep 1.28 Finding Peace Within: Breaking Generational Trauma Patterns

Since 2007, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through the Way of Wellness mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Hi, I'm Kathryn

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Step into today’s session where we explore the transformative power of routines and how they contribute to creating a stable, healthy environment for both you and your family. As we look into the theme of routines and predictability, we also examine how the state of your external and internal worlds can reflect and influence each other—whether it’s orderly, chaotic, or cluttered.

Unearth the profound effects of consistent routines on your immune system and overall well-being, as we delve into the significance of establishing predictable patterns in daily life—not only for yourself but also for the little ones and furry companions in your family. Learn how these routines serve as pillars of security and contentment, enriching the lives of all family members.

Let’s confront the shadow of generational trauma, exploring its impact on our ability to maintain beneficial habits. As we address and let go of inherited disruptions, you’ll learn how to break detrimental cycles that disrupt orderly routines.

Designed to provide practical steps for aligning your lifestyle habits with your family’s health and happiness, this session promises insights to overhaul your daily routines. By the end of it, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to optimize your routines for increased harmony and wellbeing, thus ensuring your home mirrors the tranquility and peace you desire.

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Since 2007, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through the Way of Wellness mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Hi, I'm Kathryn


More about me