This is Part 1 of the Returning to Balance Series
Welcome to Returning to Balance, a series dedicated to exploring the profound interplay between different organ pairs and their impact on our health and everyday lives. This series comprises five insightful parts, each delving into a unique organ pair and the intricate balance that governs them.
Returning to Balance is more than just a health series; it’s a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Join us as we decode the mysteries of our body, uncovering the essential ties that bind our physical health to our emotional equilibrium. Learn how to harness the power of these organ pairs, bringing balance, vitality, and wellness into your life.
Part 1: Liver & Gall Bladder
Part 2: Lungs & Large Intestine
Part 3: Kidneys, Adrenals, & Bladder
Part 4: Spleen & Stomach
Part 5: Heart & Pericardium
Returning to Balance Part 1 of 5: Liver & Gallbladder
In today’s episode, we pay special attention to the liver and gallbladder, organs that not only perform essential physiological functions but also hold significant emotional weight. The liver, associated with travel, freedom, and the act of giving, can become a source of anger if imbalanced, highlighting its role in planning, organizing, and synthesizing life’s experiences into wisdom. The gallbladder, the liver’s natural partner, plays a critical role in decision-making and courage, directly influencing our digestive efficiency and our ability to make healthy decisions.
As these organs work together to create the Wei Qi—our body’s protective energy shield—we explore how unresolved emotions and memories can impede our health. This session provides a pathway to release these burdens and invites a rebalancing of the liver and gallbladder, fostering a state of hope, optimism, courage, and trust.
Click the images below to learn more about these related episodes:

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