Ep B1.15 Genetic Serenity Unlocked: Navigating and Resolving Stress Markers for Inner Peace

Cover for Ep B1.15 Genetic Serenity Unlocked: Navigating & Resolving Stress Markers for Inner Peace

Since 2007, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through the Way of Wellness mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Hi, I'm Kathryn

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In the intricate tapestry of our genetic makeup, certain genes have the power to either reduce or amplify stress. These genetic markers can alter your genetic expression, amplifying stress rather than alleviating it. Acquired through life experiences and sometimes inherited from our ancestors, these markers play a significant role in shaping our response to stressors, intensifying their impact on our health and well-being. But why do we possess them? They stand as a testament to our body’s innate survival instinct, adapting to challenging environments to ensure our survival, even if these adaptations may seem counterproductive in modern times.

From the persistent pressures of the pandemic to personal challenges and societal unrest, a myriad of stressors can activate these genes, triggering a cascade of physiological and emotional reactions. However, understanding the origins of these markers is just the beginning. How can we effectively address them?

By exploring the underlying causes of these genetic markers – the tales of trauma, grief, and hardship – we can start to loosen their hold on our bodies and minds. There is a pathway to resolution. Embark on a journey with us as we uncover the mysteries of stress-amplifying markers, empowering ourselves to rewrite our genetic stories and reclaim our resilience in the face of adversity.

Click the images below to learn more about these related episodes:

Cover for Ep B1.02 DNA Decoded: Transforming Health through the Power of Words
Cover for Ep B1.04 Immunergetics: Unveiling the Power within for Total Wellness
Cover for Ep B1.11 Exploring the Depths of Medical Trauma: A Journey to Healing and Wholeness

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Since 2007, I've been on a journey to help you find your best health. I want to see you free from shame and guilt, anxiety, trauma, and limiting ways of thinking that drag you down day after day...

No matter your health issue, I'm here to support you! Through the Way of Wellness mindbody sessions, my goal is to help you find that place where your body and mind can release what is holding you back and create the natural and innate ability to heal. 

Hi, I'm Kathryn


More about me